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Register Domain Name

Domain Name Search – Buy A Domain In Minutes

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Domain Register

Why You Need To Register A
Domain Name.

The ideal domain instantly conveys your online purpose and uniqueness. Use our domain search tool to find the perfect match and attract more visitors today.

Establish trust with the most recognized domain names.

kr 233.99 /Year

Highlight your technology project with a .cloud domain.

kr 261.99 /Year

It’s a fantastic alternative to .com – both generic and universal.

kr 196.99 /Year

It’s an excellent alternative to .com – versatile and widely accepted.

kr 411.99 /Year

Enhance brand trust with a .shop domain name.

kr 489.99/Year

Ideal for professional services with a .pro domain.

kr 362.99/Year

Perfect for artificial intelligence projects and tech startups.

kr 249.98 /Year

Ideal for sharing informative content and promoting knowledge.

kr 249.98 /Year

Live Technical Support

If you require assistance with the domain search and registration process, don’t hesitate to reach out to us. Our Customer Success team is available to help you at any time.

Trusted Domain Registrar

Countless individuals worldwide trust MAQ Techs as their domain registrar and web host. We’re proud to be an Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN)-approved domain registrar.

Instant Setup And Easy Controls

Registering and linking your domain to your site is a breeze with MAQ Techs. Our user-friendly process requires just a few clicks, and no technical skills are needed.

.Xyz Domain Names Are Consistently Accessible.

Being one of the newest top-level domains, this extension offers much higher availability than .com. Your perfect domain name could be yours with .xyz

Stand Out From The Crowd

Select a top-level domain that doesn't limit your business online. Your ideal domain name doesn't necessarily have to reveal your business type or location if it's unnecessary. A .xyz domain is almost always available and memorable as well.

Dream Domains At A Great Price

You don't have to break the bank for the perfect domain name. Explore the availability of your dream website name with the .xyz extension. Just enter the name you're searching for in the domain search tool above, and you could secure it at a fantastic price today.


Why Should You Register Your Domain
Names With MAQ Techs?

MAQ Techs provides domain registration at a low cost. Enjoy immediate activation and dedicated live support.

The Vision

At the heart of our mission lies a compelling vision, driving every decision and action we take.

Secure & Private

Rest assured with our secure and private solution, ensuring your data stays protected and your privacy remains paramount.

99.9% Uptime

Experience peace of mind with our reliable service boasting a 99.9% uptime guarantee, ensuring your operations run smoothly without disruption.

Storage To Scale

Unlock unlimited potential with our scalable storage solutions, empowering your business to grow without limits.

Manage Anywhere

Seamlessly oversee your operations from anywhere with our versatile management platform.

Real-Time Monitoring

Stay ahead of the curve with instant insights into your systems and operations.

Affordable Prices

Unlock value with our budget-friendly pricing options, offering affordability without compromising on quality or service.

All In One Place

Streamline your workflow with centralized access to all essential tools and resources.

Reviews & Rating

Trusted By Customers

5 out of 5 stars based on 5 | Showing our 5 stars reviews.

5 out of 5 stars based on 5 | Showing our 5 stars reviews.
Based on 6 reviews
powered by Google
Allan MareAllan Mare
21:22 11 Jul 24
I really want to recommend Maq Techs AB for their fantastic work in creating a website for my company. They demonstrated an impressive level of professionalism and expertise throughout the process. Maq Techs AB was quick to understand my needs and goals for the website and delivered a design that really captured my needs. They took the time to listen to my requests and provided valuable advice and insights to improve functionality. I am really happy with the result and have received a lot of positive feedback from my customers. Thanks to Maq Techs AB, I now have a professional and attractive website that helps my company stand out. I cannot stress enough their professionalism, creativity and dedication. If you are looking for a reliable and competent partner to create your website, do not hesitate to choose Maq Techs AB. They will exceed your expectations!
Maria MareMaria Mare
09:48 16 Jan 24
Highly recommend MaqTechs. Professional treatment with the customer in focus:)
Beshair OsmanBeshair Osman
09:23 16 Jan 24
Thank you for your help in building our website. You were helpful and creative as well
Mohammed HagosMohammed Hagos
13:01 02 Mar 23
Excellent project handling and highly skilled developers team, they are experienced in the services they provide and even offer solutions, definitely going to hire them again for my upcoming projects.
Ahmed AbdulwahabAhmed Abdulwahab
14:00 26 Feb 23
quality service and amazing professional team 👍🏽
Huda AhmedHuda Ahmed
12:56 26 Feb 23
Perfect experience dealing with maqtechs.


Have Questions? We've Got

Have Questions? We've Got Answers.

Customers rely on our domains and web
hosting to get their ideas online.

A domain name is what people type into the browser to find a website – the same way you use an address to find a building. Any website, server or digital device connected to the internet is assigned an IP address that you can use to view or visit it. The IP address is a long string of numbers and letters. It is very difficult for a human to remember such combinations, so a domain name is simply a more user-friendly version of the IP address.

When you type a domain name – such as or – into the search bar of your web browser, a domain name system, or DNS, translates the domain name into an IP address and makes it possible to find the associated website.

Having your own domain name makes you appear more legitimate when people search for you or your business online. With a domain name you can:


If you want to check the availability of a domain name, enter it in MAQ Techs’s search bar and you will immediately know if it is available or if someone else already owns it.

If it’s already taken, you can use our WHOIS lookup tool to find out who owns the domain name you want and use the owner’s contact details to try to get in touch.

Domain name registration is the process of finding a web address (such as or, and then registering it in order to use it. You don’t technically own the domain, but once you register it, it’s yours to use as long as you continue to pay the annual registration fee. If you let your domain registration expire, the domain will be available for others to register. To avoid accidentally expiring your domain registration, MAQ Techs offers an auto-renew option for all our customers. For additional layers of protection, try Complete Domain Protection (an optional add-on). It allows you to keep the domain for up to 90 days after the registration has expired.

The duration of your domain registration varies depending on the domain extension you purchase. For most domain extensions, the domain name registrar allows customers to register the domain for 10 years at a time. Customers usually register domains for one to three years. Some premium domains and generic top-level domains (such as .au and .nl ) have shorter registration periods.

If you want to extend your registration, it’s easy to renew your domain with MAQ Techs. You can either renew manually or choose automatic renewal , which ensures that your website remains registered in your name.

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How Can We Help?

With how-to advice and award-winning support, MAQ Techs Guides can help whether you’re a customer or not.

Get in touch at +46 10-707-59-99

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